Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Loaded Cauliflower Mash

I've had some problems the last few times I attempted eating low carb for several reasons but the biggest was getting bored with the food. I mean really...eggs and meats were driving me crazy. But before I started low carb this time, I researched a ton of recipes on Pinterest (Its one of my favorite sites ever) and came across a recipe for Loaded Cauliflower Mash. Its my favorite side now. I steam 3 heads of cauliflower each Sunday to make a huge ass deal of this mash for the week. My husband takes it to work for part of his lunch and we have it almost every night as one of our sides. You almost cant tell its not full of carbs...Almost.

I cook and rice cauliflower all on the same day for one reason and one reason alone. Cauliflower will make your house smell like ass. its not pleasant. If you have a sensitive nose, do it this way. Plus heads of cauliflower take up so much room in your fridge. I like to rice 2 heads for the week ahead of time on top of steaming 3 heads for the mash. Cauliflower is a life saver for me in this lifestyle. 

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