Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Prettiest Little Orchid

The Prettiest Little Orchid
Here I sit without you,
As emptiness fills the air.
Do I cry about you?
Do I even dare?

For many days and weeks
I've made it through,
Just by the mere memory
Of sitting here with you. 

Some days are better.
Others, just okay.
But most of the time I'm seeking
You're guidance throughout the day.

Every time I hear your name, 
Or remember a time we both knew, 
I hear a voice from deep inside 
I'd almost swear it was you.

'Here's my prettiest little orchid!'-you"d say
'My rarest gem.
Treat her with care, for she's very fragile within. 
Water her with all you know, Spend time with her like I did,
Give her time and room to grow 
And She'll blossom
Into my prettiest little orchid,

This name he once called me
serves as a reminder. 
As if one day he knew I'd need it.
As a promise. As a binder.

For now, I am small
I have no buds, no blooms.
But I feel them coming 
Because I've been given so much Love.
I have roots.

I feel my granddaddy smile from heaven above
He knows somethings coming 
And that somethings is self-love.

His prettiest little orchid will bloom one day soon 
And sit with her sweet angel
Feeling no emptiness,
No gloom. 

For I am his prettiest little orchid
His rarest gem.
And I know, now,
I am always with him