Friday, February 27, 2015

Fridge Organization

Before I made my lifestyle change, I did a lot of preparation. The last few times I had tried to eat low carb I was always hungry and never knew where the hell my food was.  That meant I bought a ton of stuff at the store, threw it in the fridge in no particular order, and basically waited for it to go bad.  Of course no diet can go well that way, nor is it good for your bank account. I went and purchased several baskets at the dollar store and put "Snacks" in one "Meats" in one and "Veggies in another. I then used one of my crisper drawers for cheese, the other for low carb condiments. Dependi g on how many leftover I have, these baskets get moved around. Its so easy to do it this way. My fridge has looked like this for over a month and I couldnt be happier with it! I want to put contact paper down on the shelves for easier cleaning...I will do that soon!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Trogdor, Daisy, and Stilly

I don't have human children, but my furbabies are basically my kids.  Here's a little bit about them...

Trogdor The Catinator

 Trogdor is a 7 year old grey calico. We named her after a "Strongbad Email" from the web series "Homestar Runner" She is very picky about her food bowl, she's not a "the bowl is half full" cat...she's a "that bowl is half empty, Im'ma pee on all your stuff and chew your hair while you sleep" kind of cat. She can be very sweet and loves to lay on my legs at night time. She has accepted Daisy as her own, but still isn't used to Stilly. Probably because Stilly loves to chase her. Troggy doesn't appreciate it.


Daisy is my sweet little 4 y/o chihuahua mix. Here she is dressed for game day...this football costume acted like a Thundershirt, A lot cheaper than one too. SHe is a very stressed out little baby, not sure why. Just super high anxiety. She loves to play fetch and roll around in the grass. Cuddling with me is her favorite thing though, which not gonna lie, I love. She is definitely a mamas girl.

Stilly (Stillwater)

Stilly is our newest addition. back in September she showed up at our house totally emaciated. She was microchipped and spayed but nobody had registered her. Our vet is pretty sure she was dumped for whatever reason (don't get me started on morons that do that crap) Anyways, she is such a good pup. Her little snout feels like a horses nose! She will do anything for food, we are guessing its from her rough start in life. She is a little scholar because of it, we were able to train her so easily. We took her to puppy classes and she graduated top of her class. She was the Valedogtorain!

Anyways, those are my angels. I love them dearly!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Loaded Cauliflower Mash

I've had some problems the last few times I attempted eating low carb for several reasons but the biggest was getting bored with the food. I mean really...eggs and meats were driving me crazy. But before I started low carb this time, I researched a ton of recipes on Pinterest (Its one of my favorite sites ever) and came across a recipe for Loaded Cauliflower Mash. Its my favorite side now. I steam 3 heads of cauliflower each Sunday to make a huge ass deal of this mash for the week. My husband takes it to work for part of his lunch and we have it almost every night as one of our sides. You almost cant tell its not full of carbs...Almost.

I cook and rice cauliflower all on the same day for one reason and one reason alone. Cauliflower will make your house smell like ass. its not pleasant. If you have a sensitive nose, do it this way. Plus heads of cauliflower take up so much room in your fridge. I like to rice 2 heads for the week ahead of time on top of steaming 3 heads for the mash. Cauliflower is a life saver for me in this lifestyle. 

Low Carb Zuppa Toscana Soup

So, I've been eating low carb for about a month now. Its been a good experience this time around! I've done it in the past and I could do it for a few weeks tops. This time around I found a revolutionary vegetable they call "Cauliflower." I make it all the friggin time. Recently I started craving Olive Garden's Zuppa Toscana Soup, you know the one with a creamy broth, sausage, kale and potatoes? Yeah that one, the best damned soup in the world. The problem is the potatoes, cause they are so far from being low carb. So long story Short BEHOLD! Low carb Zuppa Toscana!

I'm making this weekly for lunches for me. I know onions are kinda a higher carb vegetable, but
honest to God I don't care. They make this soup so good!

Ps- I know I said just 30oz of chicken broth but I use 60 oz. It makes the soup go farther! I'm all over that!
